
Chapter 6 How my wife turned into a slut The poker game

Published July 15, 2024

Hello again. I've been writing these stories to tell you how my wife became a slut. I've really enjoyed telling you about our little adventures. Anyway a little ...

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Black Isnt so Bad After All

Published June 7, 2024

Black isn't so Bad After All!
John and DeeDee Wilson were the average couple of their times. Both had been raised in a white Christian environment and thr...

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Threesome Party

Published June 7, 2024

It was so long that my friend Suzi had not have a sex. I guess about 6 months. She used to watch porn a lot. I had my 4th bi-experience with her. She was 5'6 with fa...

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Published June 4, 2024

I work with a girl by the name of Karlie, now Karlie is very nice but tends to wear these weird glasses" kind of like the nerdy type big black rimed ones minus the ...

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The Photo shoot

Published June 4, 2024

John welcomed Elpie into his house, she was right on time, 2pm just like he said. He'd met her while out in town and commented on how pretty she looked. He then told...

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Published May 26, 2024
XXY, just three little insignificant letters in the English alphabet, that is unless that was your chromosome designation and not the normal XX or XY!!! XX equals girl, XY equals...
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Grandpa Dicks Dick

Published May 24, 2024

One day, when I was about 18, my grandpa called and invited me to a football game. Being a big football fan, I decided to go with him. However, the day of the game I wok...

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The new Pleasure

Published May 24, 2024

A hazy day, clear sky's, I walked down a small path down towards the beach, the sound of the washing tide could be heard in the distance and a lung filling sea bree...

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